Category: Airstrip Attack Season

Indy Airstrip Attack Next Weekend!

We are selling the new upcoming Indy Airstrip Attack merch on our website, CLICK HERE to get your swag to wear to the event. We

Hondo, South Texas Airstrip Attack

We are now completely sold out of Saturday only registrations. We are happy to announce that we are very close to selling out weekend registrations.

Airstrip Attack 2022 Schedule

We are happy to announce the schedule for the 2022 Airstrip Attack series. This schedule is open to changes, those changes would be the addition

Kansas Airstrip Attack 2021 Round up

Firstly we would like to say a huge thank you to the city of Independence Kansas, for once again welcoming us to their airport and

Season Class Payouts Announced!

The 2020 Airstrip Attack season by Revvolution Shift-S3ctor introduces our very first season championship!  The winners of each class at the end of the season

Airstrip Attack COVID-19 Update

Due to the unfolding coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns, and pursuant to the CDC’s guidelines to limit public gatherings, we have decided to reschedule the following events: