Category: Airstrip Attack Season

Kansas 2023 Round Up

Kansas airstrip attack by Kansas Corn was an overwhelming success, thanks to the city of Independence, Independence Airport and the local community. Here are your

Kansas airstrip attack is this week!  

June 10-11th at Independence Airport, 499 Freedom Drive, Independence, Kansas. There are still spots to register your car to race just go to to

South Texas Airstrip Attack Round Up

Another amazing weekend in the books with the season opener for the 2023 Airstrip Attack series. We would like to thank H.E.B for being title

2023 Airstrip Attack Season Is Here!

We are proud to announce the full 2023 race schedule, beginning with Hondo March 25-26. Then the race series moves to Kansas, then a three

The Shift-S3ctor season finale

We are happy to give thanks to the following businesses in support of the North Texas Airstrip Attack, The Hose Connection, Servelite Solutions, Indys Garage,

Kansas Airstrip Attack 2022 Round Up

We would like to thank our title sponsor Kansas Corn for helping us bring another amazing event to the town of Independence Kansas. We would

Kansas Airstrip Attack this week!

We only have a few days until Kansas Airstrip Attack by Kansas Corn gets underway, we still have some driver spots available at Tickets

3 Weeks until Kansas Airstrip Attack!

We are excited to announce Kansas Corn as the title sponsor for Kansas Airstrip Attack. Kansas Corn is comprised of two groups who work to