We are proud to announce the full 2023 race schedule, beginning with Hondo March 25-26. Then the race series moves to Kansas, then a three day event in Indiana and ending in Abilene in October. Below is the full list of locations and dates .

Shift S3ctor is excited to announce our first ever season points championship!
Airstrip Attack Points Championship
Per Class per event:
Qualifying. if you make 1 pass at an event day, you will receive 1 point.
If you make the Semi Finals, (top 4) at the first cut off, you will earn 2 points.
If you make the Finals, (top 2 of the 4) at the second cut off, you will earn 2 more points.
If you win the finals race, you will earn 3 points.
This means per day, (2 days per race weekend), you can earn from 1 to 8 total points for a maximum total of 16 points per weekend. (Indy is a 3 day race so you can earn up to 24 points)
This applies to all season classes which is currently:
AWD by CSF Cooling
2WD by Ignite Racing Fuels
Sedan by Pacific Sun Financial
Ethanol by Indiana Corn
NA by P&L Motorsport
Manual by
1st place points winner per class wins $3000, 2nd place wins $1000. Winners will also get product prizes from the class sponsors. For example, AWD class winners will get product credit from CSF on top of the cash payout.
Here are a few rules. It has to be the same class the entire season, you cannot combine points from one race class to another. Yes you can use different vehicles from event to event, for example, if you blow up your car but have another car you can run in the next race in the same class, that’s acceptable. It has to be the same driver however. The points go with the driver and his specific race class.
There must be a minimum of 5 cars in class each race day for maximum points to be distributed. However, points will still be distributed. For example, if 4 cars race sedan class that day, we will not distribute the 1 extra point for qualifying since all 4 automatically qualify. If only 2 cars race, we will not distribute the qualifying 1 point, or the semifinal 2 points. If it’s only 1 car racing, he will automatically win just 3 points that day.
We can’t wait to see who will be our first season class champions in 2023!!

The racing year begins in South Texas at the Hondo South Texas Regional Airport March 25th and 26th.
The airport in located at 700 Vandenberg Rd, Hondo, TX 78861.
Our host hotel this year is the Hondo Inn Hotel
301 US-90
Hondo, TX 78861
(830) 426-4466
Call & mention code “Airstrip Attack” for your discount, $89/night

Registration is currently open for Hondo, you can sign up at this link.
Spectator tickets are also available here. This year we are welcoming all children age 12 and under for free, when they accompany a paying adult.
If you would like to join our Airstrip Attack community on facebook CLICK HERE
Here is the event page for the Texas Airstrip Attack in Hondo