Indy Airstrip Attack was everything we expected it to be, with a full event sell out 3 months before the roster was packed with some incredible cars and drivers. If you head over to shifts3ctor facebook you can watch all the action on our live stream https://fb.watch/7smAW1w8OQ/ this is the first installment from Saturday morning. The rest of the streams are available to be found on our facebook, youtube and at 1320 video.

The top ten speeds of the event include Kevin Rudeen making a killer 243.37mph pass in his English Racing GTR. David Pearlman with his 237.47 mph pass in his Dallas Performance Lambo.
It is hard to pick drivers to highlight when EVERY top 10 speed was over 210 mph!

Saturday Finals were as follows

Sunday Finals were as follows:

Huge congrats to The Big Red Camaro team for smashing through their 200mph target with a crazy 216.35mph. We love seeing the team come out to our events.
We were so happy to see father and son team Kevin and Remy Rudeen come out to Indiana Airstrip Attack for the first time. And in typical Rudeen style they set some intense speeds repeatedly over the weekend. Kevin had a top speed of 243.37mph in his 2014 GTR and Remy had a top speed of 221.67mph in his 2009 GTR.
Congratulations to Ryan Kuberiet and Aim Performance and ES motors UK for breaking their own world record with a blistering 229.12mph in their 2007 Porsche 911 Turbo.

Up next is Abilene, Texas October 16th and 17th. Driver places are running out fast so don’t wait around because we are expecting to announce a fully sold out event soon.