Firstly we would like to say a huge thank you to the city of Independence Kansas, for once again welcoming us to their airport and supporting the event with their incredible hospitality.

Kansas airstrip attack was once again supported by Lets Clear The Air, as the title sponsor for the event. Not only did they supply ethanol gas to the competitors, they also had an educational booth complete with a Jump Start Gas Pump!
Competition for both days was extremely strong, with a record number of 200mph shirts being handed out.
We were excited to see Gidi back at the standing half mile with his Under Ground Racing built Lamborghini Superleggera, his best pass of the weekend was a crazy fast 232.20 mph. Winning 1st place in the AWD class.

Vince Rifice took 2nd place in the AWD class on Saturday with a 229mph pass, and then 1st place on Sunday. Jessika James took home 2nd place on Sunday with a 212mph pass in her Heffner Performance Twin Turbo Huracan.

Vengence Racing brought their whole team, and they came to dominate, which they undoubtably did on day one of the event, with FIVE drivers making the finals. Special shout out to Ned Dunphy for breaking his goal of going over 230mph, which he achieved on Sunday morning, which also gave him the title of fastest pass of any driver on Sunday. Ned also took first place in 2WD competition both days.

2nd place in 2WD class presented by Ignite Racing was taken by Mike Stout in his C7 corvette on Saturday and Kent Smith on Sunday in his McLaren MP412C.
The German Car Shootout by CSF Cooling was heavily dominated by Porsche. Steve Ott took first place on Saturday with a 195mph run, and Brian took 2nd place with a 167mph pass in his Porsche 991. Todd Nall came out with an insanely fast 199.65mph pass in his GT3 turbo to take 1st place on Sunday.

The naturally aspirated class saw Eric Schmidt edging out his dad John with a 165mph pass, against Johns 158mph on Saturday. Eric came back again on Sunday to take first place, beating out Julian who did a 158.67mph pass in his Lamborghini Huracan.

The new ethanol class by Indiana Corn saw Kenneth in his C7 Corvette do a 174mph pass to beat Ryan in his Camaro. Ryan then came back on Sunday to take 1st place and go home with two trophies!

The manual class saw Kent winning first place on Saturday. Then the ultimate Dan showdown on Sunday, with Dan Hammans beating Dan Trickel with a 197mph to a 168mph pass.

The Sedan class presented by Pacific Sun Financial was dominated by Derek with him winning 1st place both days, and doing a 165.90mph pass over the weekend. Vlad took 2nd place on Saturday and Jacob took second place on Sunday.

We want to thank EVERYONE that came out to take part in Kansas Airstrip Attack by Lets Clear The Air.

We are still open for registration for the next event on our schedule, Hondo Airstrip Attack presented by North Park Chevrolet, South Texas Jun 5th and 6th. Don’t forget to sign up for this incredible 6200 ft concrete runway event, expected to produce some impressive high speeds thanks to that extra long runoff.